This bag as known as Jumbo Bags or One Tonne Bags is produced as per customer’s specification. These bags come in wide range with or without lamination and with or without inner liner. The bags are also designed with spouts for filling and discharging. The bags are generally use to store and transport commodities ranging from 500kg to 1000kg.
It is provided with additional reinforcement through strong woven materials, belts and rope to wind stand the weight and handling. The bags is use in a wide variety of industries ranging from petrochemicals, cement, mining and agricultural products.
The high quality of finished product is supported by prime virgin grade of raw materials Polypropylene and Polyethylene of different density and grade hence support the high quality of finished product. The fabric contains UV stabilized polypropylene woven tubular cloth. The fabric yarn is constantly tested to ensure the desired strength is obtained at all time.
There are seven (7) stages in manufacturing the FIBC as stated below:-
Our current production capacity is 1.2 million pieces of FIBC bags and 2.4 million meter of PP Fabrics per year.